
Who is Markitos Toys? Alarming 'Arriba' Cartel video goes viral on Twitter as YouTuber issues tearfu

Popular influencer Markitos Toys' close ties with security chief for the "Chapitos" wing of the Sinaloa drug cartel Nestor Isidro Pérez Salas, also known as El Nini, has come under scrutiny after the latter was arrested on November 22, 2023.

In a recent video, Markitos Toys, whose real name is Marcos Eduardo Castro, was seemingly seen crying after he was linked to two members of the Sinaloa drug cartel. In the clip, the 24-year-old acknowledged his close friendship with the notorious assassin for the cartel El Nini but denied allegations that he worked for the criminal.

As tears streamed down his face, Toys said: “How are you guys, good afternoon, I have days without uploading anything. They have talked a lot about one, let them look for evidence. I only had a friendship with my friend and a friendship is worth more than anything, we were friends, I was neither his employee nor he mine.”

He went on to add that he was not responsible for El Nini’s chosen trade and had no control over his actions, noting that his friendship with the dangerous criminal never transcended to illegal activities. He also stated that he will always be grateful for the “beautiful” friendship they forged, adding that the dangerous criminal will be missed.

However, social media users were unconvinced with the YouTuber’s tearful performance as an alleged official document recently identified someone named Marcos Eduardo, alias 'Markitos', as the financial operator of "El Nini.”

In response to the video, a social media user said:

"You don't decide what friends work on, right, but you decide if you get together or not, hahahahaha there is that narkitos toys who is quiet and defends himself better"

Another added:

"I would also cry if the protection and source of money I had disappeared... the nose has made many enemies and now, as it were, he is alone."

Accusations against Markitos Toys explored as YouTuber's friendship with cartel criminal is exposed

Popular influencer Markitos Toys has recently been accused of working for "El Nini," one of the most notorious assassins for the Sinaloa drug cartel who was arrested on November 22, 2023.

Markito Toys, whose real name is Marcos Eduardo Castro, was born in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico. He is a YouTube content creator with over 3.7 million subscribers.

The influencer, who also has an Instagram account under the username Venta De Gorras MT, is widely known for content about motor vehicles, and off-road vehicles.

Markitos Toys, who has faced his fair share of controversies, including an arrest in 2020 for driving without license plates and disturbing public order, has recently become the subject of wild speculation as social media users accused him of laundering money for El Nini.

The accusations stemmed from an alleged official document that identified someone named Marcos Eduardo, alias 'Markitos', as the financial operator of 'El Nini.”

The same document cited in Vanguardia also stated that Kevin Daniel Castro Beltrán, cousin of Markitos Toys, was arrested on November 23 for his association with the cartel.

Furthermore, Spanish media reported that a video that was circulated earlier this month showed two men being mutilated by two hitmen who tortured the victims into forcefully declaring Markitos Toys was "up there."

“ And who's up there? Upstairs who? ” the suspected criminal asked one of the victims while holding his ear with one hand and a knife with the other.

In fearful response, the victim, who spat out blood and an unrecognizable object from his mouth, uttered, “ Markito Toys,” before the suspect cut off his left ear.

The shocking footage, coupled with the official document, has led people to believe that Markitos Toys worked for El Nini and their friendship was not devoid of illegal activities despite the YouTuber tearfully stating otherwise.

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Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-09-28