
Sgt. Slaughter explains his daughter's issue with WWE star Lacey Evans (Exclusive)

WWE Hall of Famer Sgt. Slaughter has shed light on the reason why his daughter hit out at Lacey Evans online.

Evans served in the United States Marine Corps for five years before becoming a WWE Superstar. As part of her latest character change, the SmackDown talent began using Sgt. Slaughter's famous Cobra Clutch submission move. Her new attire also resembles the gear that Slaughter wore during his career.

Slaughter's daughter Kelly recently criticized Evans in a series of expletive-laden tweets. In an interview with Sportskeeda Wrestling Senior Editor Bill Apter, the WWE legend discussed his daughter's impressive physical capabilities:

"Well, I had given some thought about maybe helping her [Lacey Evans] out and maybe becoming her manager or her drill instructor and putting her through Camp Slaughter," Slaughter said. "My daughter, Slaughter Daughter, is a big fixture in Spartan Racing. It's like obstacle courses. She does one almost every other weekend. She's in tip-top shape. She can kick some butt. I know, I trained her." [1:07 – 1:44]

Slaughter added that his daughter took exception to Evans adding the Cobra Clutch to her moveset without permission:

"She got a little upset with the WWE for her [Lacey Evans] coming out and using the move that I used. I just didn't understand why they didn't come to me and say, 'Is it okay?' I would have said, 'Yeah, it would be a blessing if you wanna use my move.' Imitation's the biggest form of flattery. I wish you would use it right. Don't just use it to put it on somebody. Put it on to win your match, not do it for a high spot or something like that." [1:47 – 2:25]

Watch the video above to hear Slaughter question why Evans' on-screen character is "selling s*x" instead of focusing on her military background.

Why the Cobra Clutch is so special to Sgt. Slaughter

Wrestlers using legendary finishers from past generations is nothing new. For example, Kevin Owens uses Steve Austin's Stone Cold Stunner, while Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins have been known to use Triple H's Pedigree.

Sgt. Slaughter would have had no problem with Lacey Evans using the Cobra Clutch if she made the move mean something:

"It's been a move that's so recognizable in the business, like a Camel Clutch or Jake the Snake's [DDT] drop. It's something that few people can imitate, so I just would like to have had the opportunity to take her and make her a world champion. That's the only way I would do it. She would have to go all the way with it." [2:25 – 2:55]

Evans has not competed in a televised match since losing to Charlotte Flair on the June 23 episode of SmackDown. Her last victory on television came on February 10 against enhancement talent Carmen Harress.

Do you have an issue with Lacey Evans using Sgt. Slaughter's Cobra Clutch? Let us know in the comments section below.

Please credit Sportskeeda WrestleBinge and embed the video if you use quotes from this article.

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Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-09-26