Fortune explored as actor claims Hollywood canceled him over "Christian" beliefs
American actor and producer Kevin Sorbo recently opened up about his career in an interview with Fox News Digital, claiming that he was "blacklisted" for his religious beliefs.
"It was sad to me, you know, my manager and agent for so many years said that we can't get you jobs anymore, work with you because of you being a Christian, being a conservative," he recalled.The actor and his wife, Sam Sorbo, were promoting their new movie, Miracle in East Texas, on August 21, 2023. It is about two con men who are trying to sell fake oil wells to a group of widows, as per Fox News.
As per Fox News, Kevin had earlier claimed that he became the "original cancel culture guy," according to the internet, because he was open about his views on social media, be it political or religious.
Kevin Sorbo boasts a net worth of $14 million
Kevin Sorbo was born on September 24, 1958, in Mound, Minnesota, and has an accumulated wealth of $14 million, as per Celebrity Net Worth. He has a degree in advertising and marketing from the Minnesota State University, Moorhead.
According to Celebrity Net Worth, Sorbo wanted to help with the tuition for his education so he took up a side job as a model for television and print advertisements.
In 1988, the Let There Be Light actor debuted as Barry in an HBO sitcom called 1st & Ten. He played other roles in dramas and soap operas like Santa Barbara, Cheers, Murder, She Wrote, and The Commish.
Kevin Sorbo's career really took off after he landed the role of the Greek God Hercules, for the following movies - Hercules and the Amazon Women, Hercules and the Lost Kingdom, Hercules and the Circle of Fire, Hercules in the Underworld, and Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur.
The high ratings birthed the Tv series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys in January 1995. The show lasted for six seasons, following which Kevin moved on to other shows like the science fiction Andromeda where he played the main role of Captain Dylan Hunt.
Kevin Sorbo played other characters in movies and sitcoms and more recently took on religious roles in God's Not Dead, Let There Be Light, and The Girl Who Believes in Miracles.
What did Kevin and Sam say in the interview?
Kevin Sorbo sat down for an interview with Fox News Digital on August 21, 2023. In the interview, Sorbo claimed that he was let go by his agency and manager because he was "blacklisted" by Hollywood. He said he lost his manager and agent who believed he won't get any work anymore as he opened up about his conservative thoughts on social media.
During the interview, Kevin said that how he was treated by other actors almost made him laugh. He added:
"I almost had to laugh at that because it's an industry that screams for tolerance, and yet it's a one-way street. It screams for freedom of speech. But Hollywood's a one-way street as well."His wife Sam Sorbo claimed that LinkedIn and Facebook banned him because of his views, to which the actor added:
"They don't like the truth I say on Twitter. I said, ‘I need more conspiracy theories because all of mine came true.’"Kevin Sorbo added that Facebook did not apologize for banning him because he spoke the truth.
As per Plex, Sorbo's upcoming movie, Miracle in East Texas, is scheduled for release in October this year.
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